Ahad, Mei 24



Title :
Childrens as Innovators in Action- A Study of Microcontrollers in Finnish Comprehensive School

Authors :
Esa-Matti Jarvinen, Arto Karsikas & Jouni Hintikka

Vol. 18 No. 2, Spring 2007


In authoritative teaching methods, whereby the teacher controls the social
interaction and other classroom activities, the actions of many children are often
in response to what they perceive to be the teacher's expectations and the
requirements of traditional school evaluation practices, such as examinations
and tests (Edwards & Mercer, 1987; Vygotsky, 1997, p. 126). In this kind of
school setting, children do not necessarily feel the teaching and its content to be
personally important or useful. For this reason, it is difficult for them to make
meaningful connections between what they are taught and their everyday life.
To make learning more authentic and meaningful to children, it is essential to
give them a sense of ownership for their learning (Savery & Duffy, 1995). As
epitomized by Biesta (1994, p. 315), it is important that the “contribution of the
child is not a pseudo-contribution that is totally dependent upon the intentions
and activities of the teacher.” In this regard also, von Glasersfeld (1995, p.14)
wrote aptly problems are not solved by the retrieval of rote-learned ‘right’
answers. To solve a problem intelligently, one must first see it as one’s own
problem.” Moreover, it is important that children be able to work in an
atmosphere which is low in stress and allows concentration on the task at hand
(Futschek, 1995).

Since technology can be seen as a response to “satisfy human needs and
wants” (Black & Harrison, 1985; Dugger & Yung, 1995; Savage & Sterry,
1990) and as human innovation in action (see ITEA, 2000), teaching methods in
technology lessons should be adjusted accordingly. Problem solving is also
considered essential in a technological process (e.g., McCormick, Murphy,
Hennessy, and Davidson, 1996).

In technology lessons the problems to be solved should relate to children’s
real life environment, allowing them to make appropriate and meaningful
connections (Schwarz, 1996). Children should be given opportunities to explore
and pursue their own needs and interests. They should be encouraged to identify
problems and deficiencies in their everyday environment and be given
opportunities to apply the technological knowledge and skills they have
acquired in technology lessons and through previous problem-solving
experiences (Adams, 1991).


  • 12 comprehensive (primary&secondary) school classes of grades 5-8 (aged 11-14 years).
  • number of children involved is 230.


  • Jarvikyla School in Nivala
  • Oksara & Martinmaki Schools in Haapajarvi
  • Vattukyla, Hyttikallio & Karhukangas Schools in Haapavesi
  • Ruukki School in Ruukki
  • Kestila Central School in Kestila
  • Matkaniva & Petajaskoski School in Oulainen
  • Lintulampi School in Oulu & Karsamaki Central School in Karsamaki

  • Study was carried out during school years 2003-2005


  • the microcontroller system used in the study is based on the Picaxe-08 system developed in England by Revolution Education Ltd.
  • the Picaxe-08 was introduced to the teachers by arranging 2 days in service training course.
  • Picaxe software and hardware, including components for student's application, were sent to the participating school.
  • the children constructed a project board using instructions and diagrams provided.

Data Collection

  • the concept of triangulation was applied based on the qualitative data collection methods, multiple data sources and strategies that were employed.
  • data were collected through:
a. pictures taken of the children working while making the Picaxe

b. teacher's written reports.
c. researcher's notes of the process and applications.
d. children's written and drawn sketches of their applications
e. photographs and video clips of the children's final outcomes.
f. interviews of children documented on video recordings.
  • interviews were conducted in authentic situation where children explain their applications.

Data Analysis

  • researchers were continually open to re exploring the relationship between the data and emergent findings and make revisions correspondingly
  • the data exampes presented were considered individually and collaborative discussion.
  • once the researchers reach the saturation point with the data, efforts were redirected to presentation of the results and related analysis.


  • the categories indicate that the system designed by the children with the Picaxe were varied.
  • the children tend to be independent in pursing their own idea


Title :
Engineering a Poem : An Action Research study

Authors :
Janice Koch & Brooke Feingold

Vol. 18 No. 1, Fall 2006


This study explores the use of design technology to teach a unit on poetry
in a fifth grade class. The main goals of the poetry unit were to develop
students’ abilities to use their own creative voices to express themselves and to
write descriptive poetry that creates detailed images for the reader. To reinforce
the latter concept, the teacher used a design challenge that asked these fifth
grade students to make a three dimensional representation of the imagery
created by another student’s poetry. The students’ experiences of being
immersed in design and construction revealed engagement and attention to
detail. Their abilities to meet the design specifications and constraints of this
challenge were observed and researched by the classroom teacher. The students’
understanding of imagery, appreciation of poetry, and their ability to write
poetry improved as the unit progressed. Design technology became a vehicle for
creative expression that is not usually associated with the teaching and learning
of poetry.

  • 22 students of fifth graders.

  • the study was implemented in a fifth grade class in an affluent suburb of a major northeastern city in the United States.

  • the students were asked to complete 2 design poem portfolios (guide students in planning and writing poem) before they began constructing their projects.
  • the students need to brainstorm and reflect upon the specifications of the project before writing their poem.
  • students were given a design portfolio to help the students in planning in construction of the design.
  • students were allowed to bring their disposal materials from home.
  • before they start to construct their image, they were asked to obtain the approval from the teacher as indicated by a signature on their design portfolios.
  • they were also required to sketch 2 different examples of the images they were going to create.
  • they were required to present their poetic imagery in graphical forms developed through an interactive and engineering design process.

Data Collection
  • analyzing the response to pre and post unit assessment instrument using the Likert type scale for the first seven items.

* 1= totally disagree
* 2= slightly disagree
* 3= undecided
* 4= slightly agree
* 5= totally agree

# for items no 8-14, students were asked to write short answers.
# item no 15 require students to write a poem.
# finally, they were asked to read 5 sentences and indicated whether they
metaphor or a simile
  • maintaining a teacher journal.
  • using frequent minute paper, in which the students were asked a question about the unit and given a minute to respond in writing.
  • analysis of student understanding of poetry.
  • analysis of student design portfolios and products.
  • student self and peer evaluation.

Data Analysis
  • analysis of teacher journal
* identified 3 emergent themes:

1. students became more comfortable with sharing their poem orally and
in class discussion about them.
2. the poetry unit gained life and excitement as the design project was

3. students gained expertise in manipulating the materials they needed to
make the
model from their drawings in their design portfolios.
  • analysis of minute papers
* a quick and informal way for the students to provide insight into what they
thinking, feeling and learning about poetry without pressure of

  • analysis of peer evaluations
* pointed out those projects that did not accurately reflect the designer's
effort or
accuracy of poetic interpretation.

  • the unit on poetry improved students achievement.
  • all students were able to create a concrete 3 dimensional structure from an abstract idea.
  • students with learning difficulties excelled in planning and constructing their design.
  • students who were not easily inclined to write and did not like the poetry unit became more invested in the unit through the design project.


Title :
Multimedia Application With Animated Cartoons for Teaching in Elementary Education

Authors :
K. Dalacosta, M. Kamariotaki-Paparrigopoulou, J. A. Palyvos, N. Spyrellis


This study reports research findings on the use of animated cartoons in a multimedia application meant to evaluate their effectiveness in supporting teaching and learning in science. The researchers have developed a cartoon-style multimedia application whereas animated cartoons where designed from scratch using appropriate programs. The study was carried out in various elementary schools of Athens, Greece, and 179 pupils aged 10–11 years participated in it. The research results provide evidence that the use of animated cartoons significantly increases the young students’ knowledge and understanding of specific science concepts, which are normally difficult to comprehend and often cause misconceptions to them.


· 179 students fifth graders involved (mean age of 11 years).

· 102 individuals in the first group and 79 individuals in the second group.

· Students of different intellectual abilities, gender and economic status.


· 18 different school were randomly selected from Athens area.

· The process was conducted in the presence of the current school teacher in every class.


· 2 groups of students were used in the study.

· Different instructional methods were used in each group but in both groups the same concepts (mass, density and volume) were presented according to the current school book of Science.

· The first group followed the classic instructional methods.

· The second group followed the animated cartoon multimedia, which included the introductory story and a questionnaire.

Data Collection

· For the first group, the data were collected through collection of questionnaire papers answered by the students.

· The data from second group were collected from the answers that were stored in text form on the hard disk of the respective computer.

Data Analysis

· The answers from each student were checked for their validity and reliability.

· The indicator Cronbach’s Alpha and the Pearson between all questions were calculated.

· The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test were conducted.


· Students’ knowledge and understanding was upgraded through the differentiation of the concepts of mass, volume and density with the used of animated cartoons.

· It is evident in fifth grade students that animated cartoons help the recall prior knowledge more effectively.


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